Let Me Tell You About the Baes and the Bees
Mixed Media Series and Installation, 2017
Let Me Tell You About The Baes and Bees, Series, 2017, Honfleur Gallery, DC
Let Me Tell You About The Baes and Bees, Series
The underlying message within these works is regarding the parallels of the treatment of the pillars within our society: the Baes and the Bees. Two of the most important pillars within the ecosystem of existence we refer to as life. The series is titled Let Me Tell You About the Baes and the Bees. The artwork included are: By Intricate Design, When A Honey is Looking Just Right, Coat of Arms: Control the Pillars and Queens, Parasites, Poison and Control, and Colony Collapse of the Highest Order. Through mixed media, abstracted assemblages the artwork thematically flows to convey the gifts of life and nourishment to an example of the consequences of the mistreatment and abuse of two of our producers/contributors of life and sustenance. Where we would be without Beas and Bees? Utilizing a full range of materials, and methods such as weaving fabric through a webbed chicken wire frames, I seek to draw attention to the parallels between the rapidly declining bees and the treatment of women within our society. Other works are adorned with tampons, feathers, gold chains and bottled amounts of honey.
By Intricate Design, 36 x 36 in., Mixed Media on Canvas, 2017, Pricing available upon request.
When A Honey is Looking Just Right, Mixed Media, 30 x 30 in., 2017, SOLD
Coat of Arms: Control the Pillars and Queens, Mixed Media, 30 x 30 in., 2017, SOLD
Parasites, Poison and Control, Mixed Media on Canvas, 30 x 30 in., 2017, Pricing available upon request.
Colony Collapse of the Highest Order, Installation Detail, Mixed Media, 96 W x 60 H in., 2017, Honfleur Gallery, DC
Colony Collapse of the Highest Order, Installation (Detail of rear view) 2017, Pricing available upon request, Honfleur Gallery, DC
Colony Collapse of the Highest Order, Installation Detail, Mixed Media, 30 x 30 in., 2017
Colony Collapse of the Highest Order, Installation, Mixed Media, 2017, Barbara Crawford Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, Pricing available upon request.