About this event
Millennium Arts Salon provides this salon talk featuring Artist Amber Robles-Gordon in interview with Interim Chief Curator of the National Museum of African American History and Culture, Dr. Tuliza Fleming, at the Katzen Arts Center of American University. Ms. Robles-Gordon, who was born in Puerto Rico, and raised in the DC area, examines the role of the United States as a colonial power with both Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia as two such colonies, with intimations of paternalism, tyranny, and containment of citizen aspiration attendant thereto. Dr. Fleming as scholar, will guide our better understanding of Amber's magnum opus, as she explores the underpinnings of the artwork from conceptualization to execution.
Millennium Arts Salon honors our relationship with the Katzen Arts Center in bringing programs of importance to our joint and several audiences in their beautiful and monumental space.
The MAS Salon Talk will be delivered over Zoom. Please register via the Eventbrite ticket engine and an email of the Zoom link will be sent to you before the event.
Please join us Saturday November 13 at 3:00 pm
Artfully yours,
The Board of Directors of Millennium Arts Salon