Join our panelists as they journey through texts by Octavia Butler and bell Hooks, Parable of the Sower and Salvation: Black People and Love. They will explore and discuss parallels and intersections between themes posited in these seminal texts and their own individual curatorial/artistic practices.
Read MoreMikhaile Solomon
Of the Place, An American University, MFA Studio Art Program Sponsored Conversation
The MFA Studio Art program at American University is pleased to present
Of the Place, a series of conversations that center the artists, art organizations, art activators, and culture producers who have deep connections to their locale.
The theme reflects the times that we are living in – many of us have had to stay in place over the last year. The global pandemic, politics, and the cultural circumstances of our contemporary world have necessitated a change in our social and work patterns. We are looking within our own communities to share resources and support.
Read MoreArt & Life with Mikhaile Solomon

Today we’d like to introduce you to Mikhaile Solomon.
Mikhaile, please kick things off for us by telling us about yourself and your journey so far.
I was born and raised in Miami, Florida and am of Caribbean heritage. My parents are the from the islands of St. Kitts – Nevis. I graduated of Florida International University’s Graduate program in Architecture and completed my undergraduate degree in Theatre Arts at the University of South Florida. With my varied professional experiences comes many years of developmental work in design, education, arts advocacy and community development.